Simple success tips for any examinations you are going to appear very soon.
1. Don’t purchase New Books :-
Most Important thing, do not purchase new books now , just focus on study materials you have and go through them.
2. Don’t Study in Groups :-
In my Opinion, you should not study in groups, Study Alone, but you can have group discussions and doubt sessions with friends but that should not be more than 2-3 hours in a week , maximum- 2 times a week.
3. Don’t try to study every topic in detail : –
It’s not a time for a detailed understanding or going deep and deep in a subject. Just focus and study keeping exam questions in mind. Learn important points and sections
4. Don’t plan to do questions in Last : –
By the time you complete a Chapter /Topic don’t waste Time, start solving Question Immediately. Please solve Practice Manual immediately after you complete a Chapter. I highly recommend Practice Manual. But if you have sufficient Questions or Material which covers all the questions of Practice Manual, then you may skip it.
5. Don’t leave any chapter/topic Incomplete: –
Just complete a chapter which you are currently doing don’t think that you will complete that later on or in a second revision. Complete it by putting extra 1-2 hours and after that, you will have more confidence and satisfaction and eagerness to complete next topic
6. Do not confuse yourself between Night Study/Day Study : –
It does not matter whether you study in night or in day. The only thing which matters is your “OUTPUT”. If you can produce more output during night then do night study otherwise the time which suits you. One thing which must be considered is your surrounding or area in which you study, If you live in a area which have many disturbance during day time then prefer studying at night. Conclusion is Study at that time in which you enjoy studying .
7. Don’t Lock yourself in your Room :-
Please Find a Time Slot in your day in which you can go Outside and Spend some time away from your Books. You go to Park or Some other place of your convenience every day for 30-45 Minutes. That 30-45 minutes can give you a Boost to Study even More hard and gives a sense of freshness.
One More Thing Which Bothers many Students is Whether to take only one subject at one time or take 2-3 Subjects at a Time:- My Take, it doesn’t matter until you are regular in completing your targets . If you taking one subject at a time , try your best to complete that in 5-6 days ( MAX-8 days).
ALL THE BEST, Be confident during exam time:- that 3 Hours can change everything , even if you don’t know the answers , never leave exam hall before 3 hours. Do not Quit , at least try when you have those precious 3 hours.