Tally ERP9 last year closing balances current year opening balances

Make change in tally.ERP9 last year closing balances current year opening balances


First Open your company in tally Gateway of Tally Screen then change the Period (ex.  1.04.2018  to 31.03.2019). This option is useful when using same company for the next year.


 Split Your company in tally First Open your company Gateway of tally Screen Press Alt+F3—Split Company Data—Select your company-Split from (Ex.1.04.2018) Then Open new company in tally. (Note: Before splitting Select period 1.4.17 to 31.3.19) 


Export  Import Option in tally First Open Your company Gateway of Tally Press Display––list of Accounts–– Press ALT+E
Export the file.
Create Newly Company Current Financial year Gateway of Tally Press Import of Data—Master
Import of Master Then Over.

See about tally ledgers (groupwise)
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