How Get Form-26AS in Excel

How Get Form-26AS in Excel

Click View Form 26AS (Tax Credit) under left side bar ”Quick Link”
You will be redirected to the TDS-CPC website to view Form 26AS (Tax Credit Statement)…. Click Confirm
Click View Tax Credit (Form 26AS) to view your Form 26AS.
Select Assessment Year
In View As dropdown box…. select “Text”
Clcik View / Download
Save the zip File
Extract the zip file by providing your date of birth / incorporation in ddmmyyyy format
Open the txt file and Select All (Ctrl + A) and copy (Ctrl + C)
Open excel file select A1 and then Paste (Ctrl + V) in Excel file
Select whole “A” column
Select menu “Data“
Click Text to Columns
In Wizard, Select “Delimited”
Click Next>
Under Delimiters Select Other, in Box put ^ (Shift 6)
 Click Finish
Increase the width of “B” column, to show the Name of Deductor
Select “D” column, format it as Date
 Select “F” column, format it as Date
Select “H”, “I”, “J” column, format it as Number

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