Purchase to Purchase Order ~ Tally optimization

This TDL is used to modify the Purchase Order. Using this TDL the user can alter the
narration of Purchase Order through Purchase voucher.

;; Modifying default Form to add Actions on accepting the Form

[#Form: Accounting Voucher]

    On     : Form Accept    : @@IsPurchase    : FORM ACCEPT
    On     : Form Accept    : @@IsPurchase    : SET    : VarNarr        : $Narration
    On     : Form Accept    : @@IsPurchase    : CALL    : Modify PO Narration

;; Function Definition to Modify the Purchase Order

[Function: Modify PO Narration]

    01     : MODIFY OBJECT    : (Voucher,@@VID).Narration    : ##VarNarr
    02    : MSGBOX        : “Success !!”        : “Narration altered successfully for PO…”
    03    : SET            : ExplodeNarrFlag    : Yes
    04    : DISPLAY        : Daybook
    05    : RETURN

[System: Formula]

    VID    : “Date:'” + $$String:$Date + “‘” + “:Reference:'” + $PurchaseOrderNo + “‘”

;; Defining and Globalizing Variables

[Variable: VarNarr]

    Type    : String

[System: Variable]

    VarNarr    : “”

[#Collection: InvPurcOrders]

    Format    : $Narration, 30

;; End-of-File

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