Stock Item with multi-line description in Tally ERP 9

You would like to enter more details like neat, clean and structured description for StockItem.
This module will provide you to enter the description for a stock item in multi lines and use
them as it is in the voucher entry, plus you can modify or add in it both at the master level as
well as the voucher level.
Quick Setup Guide:
Enable Multi Line Description for Stock Item in Inventory Features.
Create Stock Items with multi descriptions.
Use them in the vouchers.

Detailed Setup Guide:
To operate this capability, user will have to follow the following steps:
1. Press F11 For Company Features.
2. Press F2 for Inventory Features
3. Enable Multi Line Description For Stock Item: –

Here is tdl :
;; copy above code in a text file & attach the file to tally.ini i.e. tdl=multiline.txt
;; remember to take backup of your valuable data before doing anything.
Objective(s) :-
–    Enables accepting Multiple Descriptions in Stock Item Master and the same is captured
during Invoice Entry

Specific TDL Feature(s) used :-
–    User Defined Field & Collection

Last Updation :-
–    Altered on 11/06/2010

;; System UDF Definition

[System: UDF]

TSPL FFE Description : String     : 20001
TSPL FFE EnableDesc     : Logical    :  2000

;; Altering Company Features to add an Option

[#Part: CMP InvFeat Left]

Add    : Lines : After    : CMP ActualQty    : TSPL FFE Enable MultiLineItemDesc

[Line: TSPL FFE Enable MultiLineItemDesc]

Fields    : Medium Prompt, TSPL FFE Enable MultiLineItemDesc
Local   : Field : Medium Prompt : Info     : $$LocaleString:”Enable Multi Line Item Description ?”
SpaceTop: 0.4

[Field: TSPL FFE Enable MultiLineItemDesc]

Use        : CMP ActualQty
Storage    : TSPL FFE EnableDesc

;; Changes in Stock Item Master

[#Form: Stock Item]

Option        : TSPL FFE Stock Item Enable MultiDesc    : @@TSPLFFEEnableDesc

[!Form: TSPL FFE Stock Item Enable MultiDesc]

Local: Part    : STKI Desc     : Repeat        : STKI Desc        : TSPL FFE Description
Local: Part    : STKI Desc     : Break On        : $$IsEmpty:$TSPLFFEDescription
Local: Part    : STKI Desc     : Scroll        : Vertical
Local: Part    : STKI Desc     : Height        : 20% Page
Local: Part    : STKI Desc     : Space Bottom    : 0
Local: Part    : STKI Desc     : Delete        : Option        : Small Size Part
Local: Line    : STKI Desc     : Space Top        : if $$Line > 1 then 0 else 0.25
Local: Field: STKI Desc        : Storage        : TSPL FFE Description
Local: Field: STKI Desc        : FullWidth        : Yes
Local: Field: Short Prompt    : Inactive        : $$Line > 1

;; Collection Definition to collect Item Description

[Collection: TSPL FFE Item Decription]

Type        : TSPL FFE Description     : Stock Item
Child of     : #VCHStockItem

[#Part: EI DescExplosion]    ;; Setting the Number of Lines of Description at Part

Option        : TSPL FFE EI DescExplosion Enable MultiDesc : @@TSPLFFEEnableDesc

[!Part: TSPL FFE EI DescExplosion Enable MultiDesc]

Set     : $$NumItems:TSPLFFEItemDecription

[#Field: EI Desc]     ;; Altering Description Field in Voucher to fetch Description from Item Master

Option        : TSPL FFE EI Desc Enable MultiDesc    : @@TSPLFFEEnableDesc

[!Field: TSPL FFE EI Desc Enable MultiDesc]

Set as        : $$CollectionField:$TSPLFFEDescription:$$Line:TSPLFFEItemDecription

;; Formula Definition

[System: Formula]

TSPL FFE EnableDesc    : $TSPLFFEEnableDesc:Company:##SVCurrentCompany

;; End-of-File


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