Checklist for VAT CST Registration

Requirements of VAT/CST Registration (For Private Limited. Company)

Details required for Registration
1. Name & Regd. Office address of Company
2. Name, Age, Father’s Name & Residential Address of Directors
3. Paid up Capital
4. Main Activity of Business
5. Date of Commencement of Business

Documents required for filing of the application
  1) All Books of Accounts ( if to be registered on Turnover basis)
  2) Statement of Sales/Purchase( if to be registered on Turnover basis)
  3) All Sales & Purchase Invoice ( if to be registered on Turnover basis)
  4) Copies of Ledger Account of the suppliers from whom first purchase made
  5) Copies of Ledger Account ofthe Sales parties to whom first sales made
  6) Memorandum & Articles of Association with true copies thereof.
      (Certificate of Incorporation).
  7) Resolution copy passed in favor of applicant Director as a representative.
  8) Confirmation of Permanent Residential Address.
  9) Antecedents of Directors.
10) Rent Receipts of place of Business/ Place of Residence Leave and
       License Agreement or consent Letter if sub-tenant with true copies.
11) NOC from Director if place of business is on his name.
12) Rationing Card of Directors with Xerox copy of the First and Last pages.
13) One latest Passport sizephotograph of the Applicant.
14) Certificate under MunicipalAct, Factory Act, ShopAnd Establishment Act
       and other Licenses as applicable with true copies.
15) Company Pan No & All Directors Pan No.
16) PT Enrollment No. & Challan.
17) Bank Details (A/C No, Branch & Bank name) Address & One Cancelled
      cheque for Proof of Bank A/c no.
     18Rs.5000/- as Regn fees & Rs. 25000/- asRegn. Deposit challans to be
     submitted in Dept.
19) Pan card of the Company
20) Pay order of Rs.525/- infavour Bank of Mahrashrta A/C MVAT for fees if
       registration on Turnover basis
21) Electricity/ Telephone/Rent Receipt/Soc. Maintenance of POB
22) Electricity/Telephone/Rent Receipt/Soc.Maint of POR of the Directors

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