Service Tax and their Accounting Codes

S.No.  Name of the Service(s)  Tax Collection Accounting  Code  Interest/penalty  Accounting Codes
1. Telephone Billing  00440003 00440119
2. Gen. Insurance Premium  00440005 00440006
3. Stock Brokerage Commission 00440008 00440009
4. Advertising Services  00440013 00440016
5. Courier Services  00440014 00440018
6. Radio Paging Services  00440015 00440020
7. Customs House Agent Services 00440026 00440027
8. Steamer Agent Services  00440029 00440030
9. Air Travel Agent Services  00440032 00440033
10. Mandap Keeper Services  00440035 00440036
11. Clearing & Forwarding Agent 00440045 00440046
12. Rent – a – Cab Scheme Operator 00440048 00440049
13. Outdoor Caterer’s Services 00440051 00440052
14. Pandal or Shamiana Contractors 00440054 00440055
15. Consulting Engineer Services 00440057 00440058

16. Man Power Recruitment Service 00440060 00440061
17. Tour Operator Services  00440063 00440064
18. Architect Services  00440072 00440073
19. Interior Decoration/Designers 00440076 00440077
20. Under Writer Services  00440084 00440085
21. Credit Rating Agency Services 00440088 00440089
22. Chartered Accountant Services 00440092 00440093
23. Cost Accountant Services  00440096 00440097
24. Company Secretary Service 00440100 00440101
25. Real Estate Agent/Consultant 00440104 00440105
26. Security/Detective Agency 00440108 00440109
27. Market Research Agency  00440112 00440113
28. Management Consultant  00440116 00440117
29. Scientific & Tech. Consultancy 00440125 00440126
30. Photography Service  00440129 00440130
31. Convention Service  00440133 00440134
32. Leased circuits Services  00440137 00440138
33. Telegraph Service  00440141 00440142
34. Telex Services  00440145 00440146
35. Facsimile services  00440149 00440150
36. On-line information & database access and /or retrieval 00440153 00440154  service
37. Video tape production service 00440157 00440158
38. Sound recording service  00440161 00440162
39. Broadcasting service  00440165 00440166
40. Insurance auxiliary services 00440169 00440170
41. Banking and other financial 00440173 00440174
42. Port Services  00440177 00440178
43. Service or repair provided by authorized service station
for motor car & two wheelers
00440181 00440182
44. Cargo Handling Services  00440189 00440190
45. Life Insurance Service including Insurance auxiliary
services relating to Life Insurance
00440185 00440186
46. Storage & Warehouse Service 00440193 00440194
47. Event Management Service 00440197 00440198
48. Rail Travel Agent Services 00440201 00440202
49. Health Club & Fitness Centers 00440205 00440206
50. Beauty Parlours Services  00440209 00440210
51. Fashion Designing Services 00440213 00440214
52. Cable Operators Services  00440217 00440218
53. Dry cleaning Services  00440221 00440222
54. Business auxiliary services 00440225 00440226
55. Commercial Training/coaching 00440229 00440230
56. Commissioning & Installation 00440233 00440234
57. Franchise service  00440237 00440238
58. Internet café  00440241 00440242
59. Maintenance & repair service 00440245 00440246
60. Technical testing & analysis: technical inspection and
certification service
00440249 00440250
61. Business Exhibition Service 00440254 00440255
62. Airport Services  00440258 00440259
63. Transport of goods by air  00440266 00440267
64. Survey & exploration of mineral 00440270 00440271
65. Opinion poll services  00440274 00440275
66. Intellectual Property service 00440278 00440279
67. Forward contract services  00440282 00440283
68. TV/Radio programme production 00440286 00440287
69. Construction services in respect of commercial or
       industrial buildings and civil structure
       00440290 00440291
70. Travel agents (other than rail/air) 00440294 00440295
71. Transport of goods by Road 00440262 00440263
72. Transport of goods through pipeline or other conduit 00440302 00440303
73. Site formation and clearance excavation and earth moving
      and demolition services, other than those provided to
      agriculture, irrigation and watershed development
      00440306 00440307
74. Dredging service of river, port harbor, backwater or  estuary  00440310 00440311
75. Survey and map making other than those by Govt. Department  00440314 00440315
76. Cleaning services other than in relation to agriculture,  horticulture, Animal husbandry or dairying
      00440318 00440319
77. Membership of Clubs or association with specified  exclusions
       00440322 00440323
78. Packaging services  00440326 00440327
79. Mailing list compilation and mailing 00440330  00440331
80. Construction of residential complexes having more than
      twelve residential houses or apartments together with
      common areas and other appurtenances 
      00440334 00440335
81. Service provided by a Registrar to an issue 00440338 00440339
82. Service provided by a Share Transfer Agent 00440342 00440343
83. Automated Teller Machine operations, Maintenance or  Management
      00440346 00440347
84. Service provided by a recovery agent 00440350 00440351
85. Sale of space or Time for advertisement, other than in print media
       00440354 00440355
86. Sponsorship services provided to any body corporate or
      firm, other than sponsorship of sports event
      00440358 00440359
87. Transport of passengers embarking on international
       journey by air, other than economy class passengers
       00440362 00440363
88. Transport of goods in containers by rail by anyperson,
       other than Government railway
       00440390 00440391
89. Business support services  00440366 00440367
90. Auctioneers services, other than auction of property under
       directions or orders of a court of law or auction by the
       Central Government
       00440370 00440371
91 Public Relation services  00440374 00440375

92. Ship management services  00440378 00440379
93. Internet Telephony services 00440382 00440383
94. Transport of persons by Cruise Ship 00440386 00440387
95. Credit card, Debit Card, Change Card or other payment  card related services
      00440394 00440395
96. Mechanized Slaughter House services 00440080 00440081
Education Cess on all taxable services : 00440298

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