The listing fees, annual fees and book building fees are as follows for the listing SMEs on the BSE SME Exchange/ Platform.

1. Listing Fee:
The SME platform will have one time listing fee of Rs. 50,000/-.
2.      Annual fee:
Annual Fees will be charged on basis of Market Capitalization and not on Issue Size. The basis of calculation of Market Capitalisation will be average of price as on March 31 or last day of trading in the financial year.

Market capitalization (In rupees)
Annual Fee (Rs.)
up to 50 crores
25,000 or 0.01% of full market capitalization, whichever is higher. The basis of calculation of Market Capitalisation will be the closing price as on 31st March or the last day of trading in the financial year.
Above 50 crores
 3. Fees for using the Book Building Software
Issue Size (Rs. Crores)
Annual Fee (Rs.)
up to 25
2.5 lakhs
Above 25
4.0 lakhs

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