Insurance Letter TDL in Tally ERP

Insurance letter TDL : This coding to be copied in text file and place in Tally or any folder
Step 1. Go to Gateway of Tally.
Step 2. Then Press Ctrl+Alt+T button
Step 3. Now Press F4 Button or Click on “Manage Local TDL” button
Step 4. Now do “Yes” to “Load TDL Files on Startup” option
Step 5. Now in the next line “List of TDL Files to preload on Startup” Enter the TDL File Path or Location Like “C:\Tally.Erp9\indurance.tdl”
Step 6. Now save the settings
Be sure to take your Tally Data Backup before doing any Tdl work


[#Form : Sales Color]
Add : Print : Ins Fwd Letter

[Report : Ins Fwd Letter]
Object : Voucher
Form : Ins Fwd Letter
PrintSet : Report Title : “Forwarding Letter”
PrintSet : Report SubTitle : “Forwarding Letter”

[Form : Ins Fwd Letter]
Part : Ins Fwd Letter Company Name,Ins Fwd Letter Address Part,Ins Fwd Letter Details Part,Ins Fwd Letter Matter Part,+
Ins Fwd Letter Entries Part,Ins Fwd Letter Bottom Part
Height : 100% Page
Width : 100% Page

Space Top   : if $$InPrintMode then ##SVSpaceTop  else 0.05 inches
Space Bottom: if $$InPrintMode then 0.5  else 0    inches
Space Left  : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.5  else 0 inches
Space Right : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.25 else 0 inches    

[Part : Ins Fwd Letter Company Name]
Line : Ins Fwd Letter Company Name
;; Height : 8% Page
Width : 100% Page
Border : Thin Bottom

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Company Name]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Company Name

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Company Name]
        Use     : Name Field
        Set as  : $$CurrentCompany
        Width   : 100% Page
        Align   : Right
        Style   : Ins Large Bold

[Style: Ins Large Bold]
Use : Large
Bold : Yes
Height : 24

[Part : Ins Fwd Letter Address Part]
Line : Ins Fwd Address Line,Ins Fwd Address Line Phone No
;; Height : 7% Page
Width : 100% Page
Border : Thin Bottom

[Line   : Ins Fwd Address Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Address Line

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Address Line]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : $$FullList:InsFLCompanyAddress:$Address
        Width   : 100% Page
        Align   : Right
        Style   : Large Bold

[Collection: Ins FLCompany Address]
Type : Address : Company
Child of : ##SVCurrentCompany

[Line   : Ins Fwd Address Line Phone No]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Address Line Phone No

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Address Line Phone No]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "TEL No: " + $PHONENUMBER:company:$$CurrentCompany + " E-Mail: " + $Email:Company:$$Currentcompany
        Width   : 100% Page
        Align   : Right
        Style   : Normal Bold           

[Part : Ins Fwd Letter Details Part]
Part : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Details,Ins Fwd Letter Other Details
Height : 15% Page
Width : 100% Page

[Part : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Details]
Line : Ins Fwd Letter Messrs Line,Ins Fwd Letter Cust Line,Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Name Line,Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Address Line
Repeat : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Address Line : BASICBUYERADDRESS
Height : 15% Page
Width : 80% Page
Space Top : 1

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Messrs Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Messrs Line
    Space Bottom    : 0.25
    Height  : 0.625

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Messrs Line]
        Use     : Name Field
        Set as  : "Insurer The Oriental Insurance Company Limited CBO2 Udaipur-313001"
        Width   : 80% Page
        Style   : Large Bold

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Cust Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Cust Line
    Space Bottom    : 0.25
    Height  : 0.625

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Cust Line]
        Use     : Name Field
        Set as  : "Customer Name:"
        Width   : 50% Page
        Style   : Normal

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Name Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Name Line

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Name Line]
        Use : Name Field
        Width   : 50% Page

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Address Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Address Line

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Address Line]
        Use : Name Field    
        Set as  : $BasicBuyerAddress
        Width   : 50% Page
        Style   : Normal

[Collection : Ins Fwd Letter Buyer Address Line Collection]
Type : Address : Company
Childof :$$CurrentCompany

[Part : Ins Fwd Letter Other Details]
Line : Ins Fwd Letter Other Details Reference No,Ins Fwd Letter Other Details Date
Height : 15% Page
Width : 50% Page
Space Top : 1

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Other Details Reference No]
    Right Field : Ins Fwd Letter Reference No,Ins Fwd Letter Reference No Details
    Space Bottom    : 0.25
    Height  : 1.25

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Reference No]
        Use     : Name Field
        Set as  : "Ref. No.:"
        Width   : 10% Page
        Align   : Left

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Reference No Details]
        Use     : Name Field
        Set as  : $VoucherNo
        Width   : 15% Page
        Align   : Left

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Other Details Date]
    Right Field : Ins Fwd Letter  Other Date,Ins Fwd Letter Other Date Details
    Height  : 5% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Other Date]
        Use     : Name Field
        Set as  : "Dated:"
        Width   : 10% Page
        Align   : Left

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Other Date Details]
        Use     : Uni Date Field
        Set as  : $Date
        Width   : 15% Page
        Align   : Left

[Part : Ins Fwd Letter Matter Part]
Line : Ins Fwd Letter Sub Line,Ins Fwd Letter Dear Line,Ins Fwd Letter We Line
Height : 10% Page
Width : 100% Page

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Sub Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Sub Line,Ins Fwd Letter TH
    Height  : 3% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Sub Line]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "Sub  : Supply of Granite / Marble / Engg. Stone / Nano Slab / ________"
        Width   : 70% Page
        Align   : Left

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter TH]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "TH :" + $BASICSHIPPEDBY
        Width   : 30% Page
        Align   : Right

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Dear Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Dear Line
    Height  : 3% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Dear Line]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "Dear Sir,"
        Width   : 100% Page
        Style   : Normal

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter We Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter We Line
    Height  : 3% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter We Line]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : @@VCSInsFWQtyA + @@VCSInsFWQty + @@VCSInsFWQtyB
        Width   : 100% Page
        Style   : Normal

[Part : Ins Fwd Letter Entries Part]
Line : Ins Fwd Letter Entries Title Line,Ins Fwd Letter Entries Line
Height : 15% Page
Width : 100% Page

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Entries Title Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Invoice No,Ins Fwd Letter Date,Ins Fwd Letter Amount,Ins Fwd Letter LR No,+
              Ins Fwd Letter Name of TransPort

    Border  : Thin Bottom 

    Local   : Field : Ins Fwd Letter Invoice No         : Set as    : $$Upper:"Invoice No."
    Local   : Field : Ins Fwd Letter Date                   : Set as    : $$Upper:"Date"
    Local   : Field : Ins Fwd Letter Amount             : Set as    : $$Upper:"Amounting"
    Local   : Field : Ins Fwd Letter LR No              : Set as    : $$Upper:"LR No."
    Local   : Field : Ins Fwd Letter Name of TransPort  : Set as    : $$Upper:"Destination"
    Local   : Field : Default   : Style : Normal Bold

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Entries Line]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Invoice No,Ins Fwd Letter Date,Ins Fwd Letter Amount,Ins Fwd Letter LR No,+
              Ins Fwd Letter Name of TransPort

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Invoice No]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : $VoucherNumber
        Width   : 20% Page
        Style   : Normal

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Date]
        Use     : Name Field
        Set as  : $Date
        Width   : 20% Page
        Style   : Normal

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Amount]
        Use :Name Field
        Set as  : $Amount
        Width   : 20% Page
        Style   : Normal

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter LR No]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : $EILRNO
        Width   : 20% Page
        Style   : Normal

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Name of TransPort]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : $BasicFinalDestination
        Width   : 20% Page
        Style   : Normal

[Part : Ins Fwd Letter Bottom Part]
Line : Ins Fwd Letter Kindly,Ins Fwd Letter Thank You,Ins Fwd Letter Yours,Ins Fwd Letter For
Bottom Line : Ins Fwd Letter Authorised

Height  : 15% Page
Width   : 100% Page

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Kindly]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Kindly
    Height  : 3% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Kindly]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "Kindly confirm receipt at the earliest please."
        Width   : 100% Page
        Style   : Normal

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Thank You]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Thank You
    Height  : 3% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Thank You]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "Thanking You,"
        Width   : 100% Page
        Style   : Normal

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Yours]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Yours
    Height  : 3% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Yours]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "Yours truly"
        Width   : 100% Page
        Style   : Normal

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter For]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter For,Ins Fwd Company Name
    Height  : 3% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter For]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "For :"
        Width   : 5% Page
        Align   : Left

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Company Name]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : $$CurrentCompany
        Width   : 95% Page
        Align   : Left

[Line   : Ins Fwd Letter Authorised]
    Field   : Ins Fwd Letter Authorised,Ins Fwd Letter Encl
    ;;Height    : 5% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Authorised]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "Authorised Signatory"
        Width   : 70% Page

    [Field  : Ins Fwd Letter Encl]
        Use : Name Field
        Set as  : "Encl. :  "
        Width   : 30% Page

[System : Formula]
VCSInsFWQty : $$STring:@@VCSInsFWQtyC
VCSInsFWQtyC : ($$CollQtyTotal:InventoryEntries:$BilledQty)
VCSInsFWQtyA : “We have Despatched “
VCSInsFWQtyB : ” Granite / Marble / Engg. Stone / Nano Slab / __ to you as per particulars below :”

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