Checklist Before Preparation Balance Sheet of Manufacturing Company
Capital Account/ Share Capital ** Movements in share capital ** Buy Back prodedure to be followed if there is any […]
Capital Account/ Share Capital ** Movements in share capital ** Buy Back prodedure to be followed if there is any […]
Direct Expenses ** Expenses vouching ** Expenses for Fuel consumption ** Freight and forwarding Expens analysis – relating to RM
Sales Accounting policy followed by the company for recognition of sales Cut off procedure Credit notes/ Debit notes if any,
Checklist For Internal Audit Of Stock Brokers – BSE, NSE, and MCX-SX 1 Appointment Letter of Internal Auditor for Internal
Audit Program for Joint Venture1 Method of Accounting followed Separate set of books Same set of books
Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP9, Select F11: Accounting Features , Set Allow Multi-Currency to Yes Accept to Save.Once the Multi-Currency
The TDS (tax deduction at source) features of Tally.ERP 9 delivers a phenomenal experience and great capabilities: [wp_ad_camp_1] Important points:
You would like to enter more details like neat, clean and structured description for StockItem. This module will provide you
COST COMPLIANCE-AUDIT S.No. Subject Cost Compliance Cost Audit 1. Applicable Rule The Companies (Cost Accounting Records)Rules,2011. The Companies (Cost Audit
FINANCE ACT,2011 As per the Finance Act, 2011, income-tax is required to be deducted under Section 192 of the Income-tax